Sunday, February 1, 2015

More Paul-Hating from the Arch-heretic.

I can't believe I wasted 14 minutes of my Sunday listening to the Archheretic preach. But I did.

If you skip to 6:45, you can hear her explain why St. Paul had a completely wrong attitude in Acts 9:22 - "Saul became increasingly powerful and confounded the Jews, by proving that Jesus was the Messiah."

"Yet the sad reality is that others soon began to tell his story as one of reversal, of trading violence toward one group for power plays over his own people. What originated in an expanded awareness of truth gets narrowed down again to a tale of winners and losers."

"That's the story told by a people who still feel afraid and anxious. See how powerful our leader is? How thoroughly he conquers the unbelieving?"

She goes on to say how it is not Christ-like to be successful at apologetics.



Prester Scott said...

I guess the opening verses of Romans 9 are just Paul exhibiting false consciousness.

Does anybody care what this strange creature says? Even within The Episcopal Organization? I figure people so used to altering facts to fit a narrative wouldn't necessarily listen to the actual words of a proven paragon of progressive virtue.

Anglican Beach Party said...

I reckon you are right, Prester Scott.

The video only has 446 views.

It will be interesting to see who they pick for the next PB in July. 20 to 1 it is an LGBT person.