Tuesday, September 3, 2013

All Bodybuilding, All the Time

I'm afraid that this blog is going to get very boring for most of you for the next seven weeks or so.  I have three bodybuilding contests coming up that I will be competing in:  September 28, October 5, and October 19.

The intensity of my preparation for these contests is a bit overwhelming.  Most days, my carbohydrate intake is low enough that I don't always think clearly.  I also begin to have paranoid worries that I will wake up fat the next day, dreams about bread, etc.

It is hard to describe what an all-encompassing, totalizing thing bodybuilding contests prep is.  It goes WAY beyond the lifestyle of a normal "gym rat" or fitness enthusiast.  There are so many little details to be taken care of.  Where did I put my NPC card?  Where did I store the Liquid Sun Rayz tanning color?  Where is my elastic band for pumping up the day of the contest?  How do I get to the venue?  Who will watch my stuff while I'm on stage?

But mostly, my thoughts revolve around doubts of the quality of physique I will bring to the stage.  I think I'm getting fat.  I've plateaued ... should I have a cheat meal or should I do an extra cardio session?  Opt for extra sleep?  Do I have time to join a tanning salon for a month?  I think I'm getting fat.  I look really small in the mirror today.  I'm behind where I was three years ago at this point in the prep.  And, that all-time favorite:  FEED ME!  I'm STARVING!

So, I hope you will bear with my temporary monomania for the next 6.5 or 7 weeks.  At least, you can be thankful it is not you going through all this.  And now, without further delay, a short video of one of my exercises at the gym this morning.