Sunday, March 3, 2013

My Incredible Arnold Weekend! (Part 1)

I am sitting here in my 3rd floor room in the incredible Bed & Breakfast in Columbus, Ohio, attempting to make an accounting of God's grace to me this weekend, and failing miserably to be able to keep up with tallying the sum of God's incredible kindnesses to me!

I arrived around 9 pm on Thursday evening. Unlike in previous years, I had done no planning this year about what or who I would see. I was on a tight budget, and so did not buy any tickets to the high-priced evening events. I just planned to roam around the Arnold Expo and see what and whom I could see. And, it turned out spectacularly!

I met so many cool people (even just on Friday!) that I had waited years to meet, it just blew my mind! Here are a few:

The lady in the 4th photo is Kris Murrell, an IFBB Pro bodybuilder.  She has downsized a lot since turning Pro, but still makes me look weak and small.  She talked to me and another fan for about 20 minutes, and we learned that she will soon be appearing in a major motion picture.  She plays the part of "Kitty", David Spade's girlfriend.  I can't wait to see it!

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